Novax Guitars
The Fanned-Fret® Originators
Ralph Novak, luthier
After 5 decades of repair, customizing, innovating, and building custom Novax instruments, Ralph is now semi-retired due to deteriorating eyesight caused by macular degeneration. The designs that have earned popularity continue to be manufactured by computerized machinery rather than the handcrafted approach of many decades. There is still much handwork and personal oversight by Ralph, himself. Also to be acknowledged here are the many players of all styles and abilities who have informed the evolution of Fanned-Fret instruments.
Novax Guitars: Annie 6-string, Multi-Scale, Fanned Fret®
The NOVAX 25th anniversary model “Annie” guitar aspires to the ideal of the “happy marriage of aesthetics, function, and player satisfaction”. Based upon Ralph Novak’s over 5 decades of experience encompassing guitar design, construction, repair, modification, and extensive player interaction, the Annie model embodies the input of literally hundreds of players.
The “Annie” series is named for “Anniversary” as the model was introduced at NAMM in 2014 commemorating the 25th anniversary of obtaining the multiple-scale patent (Fanned-Frets®).
Unique features include proprietary circuitry and light-weight ergonomic body design.
Novax Guitars: Charlie Hunter 8-String, Multi-Scale, Fanned Fret®
The Charlie Hunter 8-String evolved from Charlie’s concept for an expanded 7-string that could double as a bass. Charlie is both innovative and monstrously talented; his facility on the 8-string stereo “hybrid” instrument evolved with the development of instrument. His collaboration with Novak regarding design specifications, prototyping and real-world testing has resulted in an instrument that is extremely versatile as well as highly popular world-wide.
The “Charlie Hunter 8 String” is the result of the design collaboration of myself and Charlie Hunter, world-renowned jazz artist and musical innovator. Our 8-string “hybrid” bass/guitar concept has enjoyed world-wide popularity for four decades and has spawned imitations by other manufacturers, opening a vast market to modern players.
Guitarist Charlie Hunter and luthier Ralph Novax