Novax Guitars
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To our friends:
We're now in Eugene, Oregon, and we love it here!


Build a Better Guitar


Klein Electric Guitars with Novax Licensed Fanned Fretboards and a pretty cute cat.

If you want to build a guitar with superior tone, intonation and playability, Novax® Guitars is ready to support your entry into the ever growing family of Fanned-Fret® luthiers.

Ralph Novak was awarded U.S. patent 4,852,450 for the innovative Fanned-Fret® design. Novax® is making the Fanned-Fret® system available to luthiers through our licensing program. Our licensing fee is $75.00, US for a single instrument paid in advance of construction. Production runs of 10 instruments or more are licensed at $55.00 per instrument. Instruments built outside of the U.S. do not require licensing unless they are sold in the U.S.

To license with Novax® Guitars, please send, via standard mail, your request to build along with the fee of $75.00 per instrument to be built. We will return mail our agreement for you to sign and return to us. In addition, we will forward the instructions and information you will need to slot your Fanned-Fret® neck. We will also support your project by answering questions you may have relating to the neck scale length, calculations, etc.

Ervin Somogyi and 2 of 3 guitars with Novax-licensed
Fanned Fretboards for the California Guitar Trio.

If you'd like some insight on slotting a Fanned-Fret® neck we highly recommend luthier Mike Doolin's web page Cutting a Novax® Fretboard.

Novax® Guitars does not slot fretboards for instruments other than our own. If you'd like to build a Fanned-Fret® guitar or bass but would prefer to not slot your own neck, Check out our Nex page for a Novax® neck to fit your next project.


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